not working on macOS 15.2

I’m a longtime happy legacy 4-tuner tablo user. Recently the web page stopped working for me. (The iPad and AppleTV apps work fine.)

(Apologies for abbreviating the name of the web page as MyTabloTVCom in the rest of this post. Aparently the Tablo Community forum software does not allow new posts to use more than one URL, perhaps to reduce spam, and the software doesn’t have an allow-list for Tablo’s own website.)

The symptom is that when I use Safari to visit MyTabloTVCom. the web URL flashes rapidly as it cycles through different URLs and the web page remains blank. The Safari Developer console shows a lot of log output and error messages while this is happening. (But of course I didn’t look at the console until this issue occurred, so I don’t know how many of these messages are normal.)

This is MacOS 15.2, Safari Version 18.2 (20620., no ad blockers, no “Apple private relay”, M1 mac, reproduces on two different macs (both Apple Silicon, both running MacOS 15.2, Safari Version 18.2).

The tablo is running firmware 2.2.42 and it’s an eero mesh network, if that makes a diff.

The only config change I made lately is to update to macOS 15.2. Possibly that caused the issue.

Is there anything I can do to make the MyTabloTVCom web page work again?

Welcome to the Community Forum. One option might be to try it with Firefox, if it’s available for your Mac. However, we recently began seeing an issue on Firefox where it won’t allow users to delete recordings from the web app. So, this seems like the beginning of the end for the Tablo OG web app.

The same with me on safari but it works fine with Firefox.


I have the same problem using Safari.

Tried Brave.
I got this on the Tablo site.

“You have accessed Tablo via the HTTPS protocol.
This version of Chrome requires that Tablo be accessed via
In order to proceed, please type the following your into your browser’s address bar:

It automatically becomes https, using Safari.
Same thing with Brave.
http becomes https

I have tried my other browsers.

I will not use Chrome.

Thanks for the tips and suggestions, everybody!

A work-around I found that usually works is to manually edit the URL in the safari URL bar to remove the ‘s’, to change the URL to use the http protocol

I say usually because sometimes Safari won’t let me edit the URL.

I guess Safari recently changed behavior to auto-promote bookmarks / favorites from http to https. I can see why they do that in general, as it’s better for most users and most websites. But it breaks this app.

Brave and Edge are now based on Chrome, so anything that Chrome won’t work with will likely also not work on these two browsers, either.

Like Safari, Firefox is its own type of browser. Tor and some other obscure browsers are based on Mozilla Firefox.

So why does my Safari have the exact some problem as mentioned by the OP?
It certainly is not Chrome based.

Tried Firefox:
HTTPS-Only Mode Alert
Secure Site Not Available
You’ve enabled HTTPS-Only Mode for enhanced security, and a HTTPS version of is not available.
Learn More…
What could be causing this?
• Most likely, the website simply does not support HTTPS.
• It’s also possible that an attacker is involved. If you decide to visit the website, you should not enter any sensitive information like passwords, emails, or credit card details.
If you continue, HTTPS-Only Mode will be turned off temporarily for this site.

So I went the HTTP route using Firefox. .
And got this for to Tablos: A connection to your Tablo could not be established. Please check your internet connection.

I didn’t bother to find out why.

I used with DuckDuckGo.
No problem connecting to both Tablos.

Opera hung up on the HTTPS protocol. automatically went to the HTTPS protocol.

SeaMonkey started off with HTTPS, but went to HTTP on its own.
No problem connecting to both Tablos.

HTTPS-Only Mode Alert
Secure Site Not Available

You’ve enabled HTTPS-Only Mode for enhanced security, and a HTTPS version of is not available.

Learn More…
What could be causing this?

Most likely, the website simply does not support HTTPS.
It’s also possible that an attacker is involved. If you decide to visit the website, you should not enter any sensitive information like passwords, emails, or credit card details.

If you continue, HTTPS-Only Mode will be turned off temporarily for this site.

Continue to HTTP Site was selected. Arrived at the “Discover Live TV and DVR Shows on Browser”. Didn’t bother going any further.

Vivaldi: Warning about HTTPS protocol. Tried Became HTTPS on its own.

In the case of Tablo, there could be an internal database to force HTTPS. There was an issue awhile ago where anything for ASUS was being converted to HTTPS. The problem is, many ASUS routers use for access (most also have alternate addresses, luckily.) There was a bug report, and it sounds like there is some master database that is compiled into FF and other browsers. The list comes from Google, and the entries come from companies. The fix was that Asus had their URL removed from that list.

You can check or file a bug for Firefox at Bugzilla Main Page

Same here, so has anyone got it to work with Safari?

This behavior looks to be triggered by the Safari 18.2 update from December 11, 2024. The behavior is discussed by Jeff Johnson here: How Safari 18.2 https upgrade works.

On my computer, to reliably get to the insecure in a fully-updated macOS 15.2 with Safari 18.2 (20620. when experiencing @Jack_Palevich’s original symptom (the web URL flashes rapidly as it cycles through different URLs and the web page remains blank) is to:

  • Interrupt the repeated page load (“View” → “Stop” or Command-Period)
  • Edit the URL in the address bar from to and press Return to visit the site

It might help to add a Safari bookmark for, since my experience with the bookmark in place is that it seems keying in my.t will cause Safari to offer a “Top Hit” of the bookmark itself:

and pressing Return allows loading the insecure version of the site (which of course is different than Jeff Johnson’s experience).

Just wondering. Would it help to add to the list of trusted sites?

Safari has no concept of “trusted sites”. That’s a Windows thing.