I’m a longtime happy legacy 4-tuner tablo user. Recently the my.tablotv.com web page stopped working for me. (The iPad and AppleTV apps work fine.)
(Apologies for abbreviating the name of the web page as MyTabloTVCom in the rest of this post. Aparently the Tablo Community forum software does not allow new posts to use more than one URL, perhaps to reduce spam, and the software doesn’t have an allow-list for Tablo’s own website.)
The symptom is that when I use Safari to visit MyTabloTVCom. the web URL flashes rapidly as it cycles through different URLs and the web page remains blank. The Safari Developer console shows a lot of log output and error messages while this is happening. (But of course I didn’t look at the console until this issue occurred, so I don’t know how many of these messages are normal.)
This is MacOS 15.2, Safari Version 18.2 (20620., no ad blockers, no “Apple private relay”, M1 mac, reproduces on two different macs (both Apple Silicon, both running MacOS 15.2, Safari Version 18.2).
The tablo is running firmware 2.2.42 and it’s an eero mesh network, if that makes a diff.
The only config change I made lately is to update to macOS 15.2. Possibly that caused the issue.
Is there anything I can do to make the MyTabloTVCom web page work again?