Live TV issue

Has anyone else been seeing this, go to live TV from the browser and it starts on tomorrow’s times.

@TabloSupport this has been happening now for a couple weeks or so. I cleared all my data and it is still happening.

YES! It just started about a week ago for me.
Odd, I pick up my notebook, go to LiveTV and it’s into tomorrow and I have to scroll clear over back to the left to see the current time and shows. 
And same here as  I thought it was just me or the computer or something. 

Strange.  I haven’t seen that on the web app or on my Win7 PC.  Does it happen any time of the day or during specific times (like at night)?

@snowcat only in the browser and not 100% of the time. It seems it happens overnight. 

So I look at it during the day to make sure all my shows are recording and pickup any I want. Then the next day I look and it swipes me over to tomorrow.
@snowcat only in the browser and not 100% of the time. It seems it happens overnight. 
So I look at it during the day to make sure all my shows are recording and pickup any I want. Then the next day I look and it swipes me over to tomorrow.
