Movies and Sports on Samsung But Not iPhone/iPad

Just hooked up a New Tablo and downloaded new apps for iPhone, iPad, and Samsung SmartTv. The apps for iPhone and iPad do not show Movies and Sports but the Samsung does. Any ideas or workarounds?

It’s pretty sad how you can’t access the guide without being forced into the home menu. But I’m sure that compared to legacy this won’t be the first absurdity you discover.

I’ve been whining about that for a year now. Never got a response from @TabloTV

Could it be the Home menu is or could be monetized and the gude isn’t.

Thanks. Now I have to figure out what to do with the recordings from my legacy Tablo. I had no idea that would not transfer to the 4th generation tuner. I have been using an external hard drive and if I want to watch the recordings, I would have to set up the legacy tuner again and purchase a new drive for the 4th Generation unit. Seems crazy to me.

We use both the Legacy and 4th Gen devices and just purchased a new 1 TB hard drive for the 4th Gen. We’re still recording on the Legacy for times when the 4th Gen isn’t working, which can be frequent.

I AM SUCH A DOPE! I didn’t realize that the 4th Gen Tablo has a built in hard drive that is large enough to accommodate my recording needs. Now I can continue to use the legacy Tablo with my current external drive. And I was worried that I would be forced into buying a new drive.

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Pulling in the Movies and Sports menus into our mobile apps is on docket, unfortunately we don’t have an ETA.