Manual configuration of Tablo Connect

We have 2 issues to overcome with your router:

  1. Requires the public (internet) port be the same number as the private (internal) port.
  2. Requires a port forwarding range.

This should work as long as your ISP doesn’t block port 80, which they might.
If your ISP does block port 80, then ask them to unblock it for you.
Tablo requires 2 ports for remote connect to work.
Following are the default values for both sets:
Public Private
21031 → 8887
21030 → 80

  1. Tablo allows you to change the Public port numbers, so change them to match their Private port numbers to look like this:
    Public Private
    8887 → 8887
    80 → 80

  2. Overcome your routers port forwarding range requirement by using the same port number for the “From” and “To” values.
    You’ll need to create 2 Application Profile Names, like TabloConnect1 and TabloConnect2, with the following port ranges:
    From: 8887 To: 8887
    From: 80 To: 80

The bigger issue here is ISPs tend to block Public TCP Port 80, and a lot of customers are required to use ISP modem/router combos that don’t allow the port forwarding Public TCP Port number to be different from the Private TCP Port number.
A graceful solution is to change Tablo’s Private TCP Port from 80 to something else that ISPs won’t tend to block.
How about it, my Tablo Engineering Gurus?

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