This morning one of my regularly scheduled shows did not record. In checking the Guide, none of my previously scheduled recordings were there. The thumbnails were there, but the Guide showed that shows were not scheduled to be recorded. I rebooted the Tablo with no luck and have sent a report ticket. Hopefully no one else experiences this or it can be fixed. Not the end of the world to reset every scheduled recording, but aggrevating.
I saw that as well. I had a large number of shows scheduled to record, and as of this morning, zero shows are scheduled to record. I don’t believe my Tablo’s firmware has changed, so maybe the web app? Haven’t had time to investigate further.
If I look under “Scheduled” all the shows I had previously selected to record are still there as Record New, but the new shows are not getting flagged to record. I did notice I had to Refresh my subscription, and I rebooted the Tablo as well. I wonder if this has something to do with their maintenance.
This happened to me as well. I have been going through all my scheduled recordings, removing, and re-adding them.
I just got off the phone with Tablo support. They created a case and had me put my Tablo in heartbeat mode. Hopefully, they can fix it in one fell swoop, rather than me having to unschedule and reschedule all my shows.
I had this same problem too and posted about it, but after reading other comments, I realized the maintenance Tablo did last night disabled our subscriptions. You have to go into settings and refresh your subscription to turn it back on. After that, my scheduled shows appeared again and everything was back to normal.
I did a refresh with no change.
Same here.
Yeah, I refreshed my subscription, updated the guide and rebooted my Tablo. All shows are showing scheduled to record new under the scheduled programs tab, but none of the new shows are being scheduled to record.
Hey guys, I just made a post in this thread that details the origin of the subscription status issue.
With regards to the scheduled shows not returning in some cases,send us a ticket - we’re looking into this now.
Have missed both recordings that were scheduled to record today. Both are in the sched list, but did not record. Also, one that is sched to record at this moment (1:39 pm EST) is NOT recording, but shows up as being sched to record.
I updated firmware this am to the latest beta which arrived overnight. My subscription is showing as active, and I have had no issues logging in via cell phone or in-house PC. Rokus behave as normal.
Unit is in heartbeat mode for your examination. Ticket sent in to Tech.
No need to spend the weekend waiting for tech support. Just reschedule all of them. This appears to be ANOTHER side-effect to the maintenance performed Thursday morning. Aftershocks hitting 12 & 24 hours later…so far.
Last night at about 7p, all guide data vanished, which I discovered at about 1030p. Followed the steps to restore it, and 2 shows scheduled to record prior to 7a this morning recorded just fine. Just got home to discover that no scheduled shows recorded today, but much much worse is that NO scheduled shows are still scheduled to record. Oh, they “say” they are scheduled to record in the thumbnails, but when I look at the lists of upcoming episodes, all I see are blue bubbles. Zero bubbles are orange to show that they’re actually scheduled to record.
I guess I should be thankful the thumbnails remain, so I can go through and select my record options again.
It appears to be ANOTHER side effect of the guide data server maintenance performed yesterday morning.
Hopefully you are not getting caught up in the phase 2 repack.
Phase 2 repack is suppose to be complete by April 1st. I have 4 stations flipping March 14th at noon.
BTW, I schedule recordings from the iPhone app. The first time I touch “rec” nothing happens, but the second time, it works. Any preset recording options are still there, it’s just the act of having the recordings that vanished.
Of course this is annoying, but I’m remain 100% PRO TABLO - best product on the market, in my opinion, and absolutely the best Customer Service of any tech/electronics product I’ve ever owned.
The Tablo support guys have fixed my problem. All my favorite shows that are on tonight have been fixed and are now scheduled to record. Thanks, Tablo support! Saves me a ton of work manually trying to fix it.