Live TV & Recordings from Mobile device not working

Open Tablo with my mobile device and select Live TV, then I select a channel and it opens and says “Buffering” for about 20-30 seconds then the channel appears but its only a still picture of whats supposed to be playing with a arrow push button.  Pushing the button does nothing. I am currently trying this on my home wifi which is 5GHZ and still has issues. I have also tried it unsuccessfully outside my network using LTE on verizon with a full signal.  Also when I hit the back button to go back to the Live TV guide the tablo program closes abruptly.

Not sure what the problem is but it appears to have occurred after the newest Tablo update. I know for a fact this worked prior.
  • My tablo device is 2.1.16,
  • 2 Tuner model.
  • Remote Streaming quality set to 750kbps.  I lowered it thinking that might be the problem. It was set at 1mbps.  
  • My tablo is hard wired and my ISP bandwidth speeds are 33.81Mbps download, 5.65 Mbps upload.
Mobile device: iPhone 6 plus, iOS 8.0.2.  

**Update:  Thanks to the "theuser86 " suggestion. I tried through Chrome and it works fine.  Clearly a safari browser issue. I had saved the link as a safari browser favorite.

It would be helpful if you told us what your mobile device was, what software it is using, and what browser you’re using.

updated above.  Mobile device: iPhone 6 plus, iOS 8.0.2.  No idea what browser since its either the a link or the tablo app for IOS.  

I will test it shortly with an iPad 4 and see if there is any change.

There is no Tablo app for the iPhone. Try the Tablo app for the iPad first and let us know (you will install this through the App Store so you’ll know it’s an app)

Thanks. Yep works fine with the iPad app.

Just tried through Chrome browser on the iPhone 6 plus and it works fine. Must be a safari thing. Thanks theuser86.

Just wish I could have the nice tablotv icon that safari makes when you save a bookmark link to the homescreen.