LG tv connectivity

New user. Got the Tablo set up and running on my phone quickly, easy as promised. But can’t get it running from my TV, an LG. I’ve added the Tablo app, it starts up and there’s a “search again” button as though it has already searched and found nothing, I hit that button, it flashes to “Retrieving Tablos” and then immediately flashes back to the starting screen. I hit that button again 20-30 times and eventually it stays on the “Retrieving Tablos” screen for about 10 seconds until it returns an error “A connection to the tablo servers could not be established. Please check your internet connection.”

The Tablo is connected via ethernet cable, the TV via wifi. I have power-cycled the Tablo, the router and the TV. I have deleted and reinstalled the app. Nothing has worked.

If you are a new user, you likely bought the fourth generation (white circle Tablo). There is no 4th gen Tablo app for it yet. The only Tablo app on the LG is for the legacy Tablo.

While an app for the 4th gen is planned, I wouldn’t expect it this year (devs are still working hard on the AppleTv beta app). So you will need some kind of set top box to make it work until then.