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2A adapters work with ALL Tablo devices.
The 2A adapters are on occasion shipped with 2-Tuner Tablo units IF the manufacturing facility is temporarily out of 1A supplies. The only reason that we mostly ship 1A supplies with 2-Tuner and DUAL Tablo units is because they are less expensive to source than the 2A.
All 4-Tuner Tablo units should have a 2A supply as they require more power.
This is the type of connector that Tablo uses.
DC Power 12V 5.5mm x 2.5mm Barrel Male Plug Connector
So if you can find a power supply with that connector and enough amps, it should work.
I use the above connector to hook the Tablo up to my 12v solar, battery source and it works great. I even have a USB fan plugged into the Tablo.
I also have my netwotk adaptors running this way. My Tablo will now record even with a black out.
Now I need a 12v TV.