Legacy 4 tuner can’t find all my channels

I’m doing a rescan and the Tablo isn’t finding Al my channels. I have the lg tv making a fifth tuner. The cable from splitter to the tv is maybe 3 feet longer than the cable to the Tablo. The lg tv had a signal strength and quality. The channel with lowest signal strength was 64% with quality of 100%! That channel is being found and shows 5 green dots for signal strength. One channel is found and only has 3 yellow dots for signal strength. And on the tv it has 70% signal strength with 100% quality. Two other channels are not even being found with above 70% signal strength and 100% quality on the tv!
Is this normal for an aging Tablo? Is there something I can do to help it find the missing channels?

One thing I read a long time ago is to make sure the cable lengths after the split are the same lengths.
However, my logic tells me the Tablo will benefit with the shorter cable, so I wouldn’t change that.
Someone more knowledgable on this topic might want to chime in.

The other thing is Tablo tuners tend to require stronger, and more qualtiy signals than TVs do.
Splitting the signal degrades it.
I made the decision years ago that the Tablo was more important than instant gratification TV watching, so I only have the antenna going to the Tablo.

And, just remembered, I do have the antenna cable split…
between 2 tablos.
Equal length cables to each Tablo.
No cables going directly to TVs.

My set up includes…
2 OG 4-tuner Tablos (11/25/2015, 02/08/2018);
Tablos using WiFi N @ 5Ghz;
2TB, and 4TB USB 3.2 Gen 1 hard drives;
Tablos sitting on upper bedroom closet shelf above wireless router;
good quality antenna, unobstructed on the roof;
as short as possible quality antenna cable between the antenna, and splitter;
good quality splitter;
good quality as short as possible cables between splitter, and Tablos.

Any channels that don’t come in 5 by 5 (strong, and clear) I drop from the channel list.
It’s not worth my time to deal with occassionally working channels that tend to crash my Tablos.

Haven’t had a hiccup in I don’t remember how many years now.
They just work.

For my two antennas setup I have equal cables for the combiner. I’ve had the setup in place for about 8 years! Weather is usually the reason for recording’s to fail. Weather has been perfect since I’ve lost signal from my tower. Tonight I recorded wheel of fortune. Not a glitch one but in middle of prize puzzle recording ended. Restarted at end of commercial and no glitch for complete recording. Also tonight the channel with dedicated antenna VHF RF 11 didn’t record. That is my strongest channel. The only channel I get that isn’t rebroadcast to a translator tower. My NBC and FOX are transmitted from Wichita Falls Texas to a tower about 6 miles from me. The ABC is the only channel that isn’t rebroadcast and that tower is about 45 away. I’m sure it’s something with the Tablo but I don’t have a clue what it might be.

I think it’s distance from the tower, and time of year.
My mom has 1 channel that she loves to watch when it’s available.
The tower is around 40+ miles away.
The channel disappears for weeks near the beginning of Spring, and Fall.
The weather doesn’t seem to make a difference.