Leaving the Tablo Forum

I have found myself in a position where I’m no longer able to provide the support I’ve been happy to do for the last year or so.

I’ve enjoyed the conversations – even when dealing with the morons who would rather argue with smarter users than listen and solve their problem in a few easy steps.

I want to give a warm thanks to @KimchiGUN , @MrDoh , @astrojimbo , @monkeymom , @Barrabing … and others I’m forgetting, who have been a delight to converse with.

@KGBnut … I’ve mentioned before how excited I am to have a newer user that cares so much about the device and tries to help solve others’ problems.

I hope that everyone continues to pull together and support the new users and help them through their struggles. The Tablo isn’t as easy to set up as the commercials make it seem, and I hope that this next beta round will improve that immensely.

I hope that @TabloTV / @TabloEngineering take users’ concerns seriously and work on the server/internet outage problem, coming to a quick fix. There are numerous other issues, but I know that things will get better over time.

I will miss this place and the great users I have come to know. This place has meant a lot to me these past 16 months or so. I hope that I’ve been at least helpful to someone here. Thanks for every heart you guys have given me.


Take care. There is always another forum poster around to pick up the slack. Ill try and help others if I ever get my Tablo to find channels.


I’m sorry to see you go. I have enjoyed reading your posts and have learned a lot from you.

All the best with whatever you are tackling next. I’m sure there will be something new.


:thinking: :smiley:
Straight to the point. When I try to get “people” to use the right names/terms - you know, well that’s what I call it or I heard/thing/feel/read that’s what it is, or that’s what it looks like.
Why it matters?

How often do people spend hours or days trying to get someone to answer specific questions, instead of telling you what they “know”. Eventually giving you the information and resolving their issue in a matter of minutes. That’s why it’s important to know/use “proper” names.

I do release you don’t know… what you don’t know. Inversely, you only know what you know, but you’re struggling with an issue, be open maybe you don’t know.

oops, sorry for the rant. All your input on the inferior devices have assisted so many and will be noticeably missed.


Take care, and best wishes to you.


I fired up my 4th Gen this past Monday, right in the midst of last weekend’s goofiness on Tablo’s servers. The posts on here have been invaluable as I set things up and it’s disheartening to see seasoned users like you leave for any reason. Best of luck to you, @269587. Not only will we users miss you, but I’m sure the techies at Tablo appreciate objective criticism. Well, maybe some of the techies.


Take care of yourself. I enjoyed our exchanges. You reminded me of some of my former students. They learned fast and were willing to help others.


I learned much from your posts
take care and best of luck to you :+1::+1::+1:


Hope that things go well for you, I’ll miss seeing your contributions here.

I second the hope that Tablo engineers and management direct their efforts to making the Tablo gen 4 a better product with user needs in mind. I might take mine out of the cupboard if Tablo decides to make the Apple TV app work as it should :-).

Take care!


Sorry to see you go. I make it a point to read your posts.


Sorry to see you go. I always thought you provided expert advice and had positive input. I will take a lesson from your contributions. Thanks.


I wanted to give a small update, 269587 passed away today.

I can’t say much on the situation. Not my place. However, he’s been a close friend for a while and introduced me to the Tablo DVR. I’m forever grateful for his friendship and learning from him.

RIP 269587!


Thanks for sharing this information. This gives a little context to the initial post, it seemed a bit abrupt. RIP 269587.


So sad and so sudden after his post.
RIP 269587


We’re shocked and saddened to hear this.

269587 was a presence in this community. His feedback in beta testing was invaluable. Even more importantly, his willingness to help anyone on these forums and his knowledgeable advice were truly remarkable.

He will be missed.

Our heartfelt condolences to everyone who knew him.


Please pass my condolences along to his family.


I am deeply saddened to hear this. He and I exchanged a few direct messages and found him to be kind and patient. My most sincere condolences to his family and friends.


That is such sad news. My condolences to his family and friends.


I haven’t been here for long but anything dealing with death is very bad. I’m sorry for the loss of a great person of the community. My prayers goes out to the family in this troubling time.


Sorry to hear of @269587’s demise. Good luck my friend - hope the signal is better up in the sky!