Is there a Web-based app for the Gen 4 Tablo?

Could not find this addressed in the Forum. Would love to be able to manage my Tablo Gen 4 device via my Chrome browser on a PC. Any plans for that in the future?


It is not listed as a current or coming soon app. So for now it is just for legacy Tablos.

Thanks, Snowcat. That was what I suspected. Hopefully, it is on someone’s to-do list.


I agree. Windows is used by many, but yet no app for the Tablo four series? This is a must do in my opinion.

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MPEG2 compatibility is likely preventing a windows app.

That’s why coders get the big bucks. :slight_smile: They solved ot for Android, why not Windows?

I see Windows 10 has a MPEG2 extension for their player.

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