Is it normal for the Tablo 4th gen (4 tuners) to run so hot?

My unit idle, no streaming neither recording, has a temperature on the top surface of 43C - 44C, it seems a lot to me, but I might be wrong, any feedback would be appreciated, thanks

And when you searched the tablotv WEB site for temperature what did you find.*1q3zn2b*_gcl_au*Mjg0OTc3ODE4LjE3MjUyMzgyMTY.*_ga*MzQ5OTI1NDE4LjE3MjUyMzgxMTU.*_ga_FJZJTK8CDQ*MTcyNTIzODIxNS4xLjEuMTcyNTIzODQyNS4zMC4wLjA.

Thank you, I missed that article

At least you searched which seems better then 90% of the people.

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Based on experience with router’s wifi chips, running at high temperature, I changed the Tablo connection from Wifi to Ethernet, and the temperature dropped 10 degrees celsius, to 33C, big change.


This is good information to know.