Installation problems

I am trying to connect my new Tablo by Wi-Fi. I can get far enough that I can listen to TV audio on my phone but can’t seem to get anything to the TV. I believe that I have the Wi-Fi network and passwords
entered OK. I never claimed to be the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to this kind of stuff.

Do you have the blue TabloTV app downloaded to your TV?

No, I have not seen anything about that anywhere. How do you do that?.

Do you have a smart TV with Google, Android, FireTV, or Roku?

TabloTV Apps & Compatible Devices

Yes I have a smart TV with Amazon Fire Stick

That link will give you the proper way of looking for their app, but simply put, go to your Home Screen and in the search bar start typing TABLO. Hit enter/OK and then download the BLUE TabloTV app. If your Tablo and your TV are on the same network, it should find your device without an issue.

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Help. I am trying to set up my Tablo and it will not save the channels. I am using the app on my Android phone and can conduct the scan. It finds over 60 over the air channels plus the streaming ones, I hit save and it keeps indicating an error has occured and I must conduct another rescan. I have tried resetting my phone and the tablo and keep getting the same error message, I also tried doing a force stop on the app based on another comment on this forum and now I cannot even connect to the tablo. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks

By chance, is the firmware updated on your Tablo? Check if it needs an update? Good old, reboot and try again work?

Thanks. Somehow I got it to work. Now next question. Any idea when Tablo 4th gen will work on Samsungs and Apple TV boxes. I was able to download the apps, but they are not finding the Tablo device.

You probably downloaded the legacy app that doesnt work with the Gen4.

There is a Apple TV beta thread, that you can apply and join. No idea on the Samsung deal.

I hope you didnt buy this thang hoping those 2 apps would be out by now?

Well my bad. I just signed up for the Apple beta testing. We will see what happens. I appreciate everyone’s help.