Indy 500 Not Showing Up In Sports...IndyCar Racing

For some reason Sunday’s Indy 500 is not showing up under the Sports/IndyCar Racing page. Record All is selected in my settings. I was able to manually search and schedule it. Wondering if the two “First Aired” dates marked with arrows on the manual search/schedule screen grab is somehow confusing the system.

Big events like the Indy 500 seem to screw up the guide (Super Bowl does as well).

It’s basically a guide issue, because this should be listed under Sports, not just TV.

Thanks Snowcat…I did record the Super bowl but don’t remember if I had to do a manual search/schedule.

Or you could just live in Indianapolis (like me). We don’t get to see the race on TV until a local rebroadcast at 6 pm!

But then, I can stand on my front porch an HEAR the race in real-time (about 1 mile away); so there’s that… :grinning:


Why is that? Is it blacked out so that it increased attendance?

I guess so…

Yes, it’s all about money. They have talked for years about removing the black-out, in effect since the 1950’s, but the owners of IMS have deemed the take at the gate is too important to risk by televising it. As if any of the 300,000 drunks that are there are actually watching the race. :grin: