I am new to Tablo

Hi, I just purchased the 1x Tablo (4th Generation) Over-the-Air [OTA] DVR - 2-Tuner / With Antenna - I never used one of these before - Does everyone like it? Is it easy to set up and use?

“everyone” - of course not. Most / many / a lot - probably do. Some defiantly enjoy it.

If this isn’t being funny… then it’s extremely subjective. What’s easy for someone is complicated to someone else. Me, I’d say it’s simple. If you have specific issues or questions, there are users with experience ready to assist. But they’ll want some details.

I do hope you like your tablo and find it easy to setup and use.


Matters on how technical you are… then it’s easy.

It does take some common sense to make it work.

A few things you need to take in consideration…

Having decent RF signal. That means you may need to move your antenna around to get the best signal.

Here is a link to the OTA channel map:

This will give you an idea where the signal is coming from and where in your home you may need to place the antenna.

Good Wi-Fi signal (if you’re going wireless) between the Tablo and your streaming device, Or you can hard wire the devices.

A decent external hard drive.


I had to read your post twice to make some sense of it. These are all questions YOU should have asked before you bought the Tablo. Why would you buy a product and not do your homework beforehand if you have these concerns?

Well too late. You bought a Tablo and now you are lucky that the product really sucked before and now they have made some fixes that make it work better. It still has hiccups now and then and depending what you are using (RoKU, FireTV etc.) you may have a mixed bag of good or bad experiences.

So follow the forum and you will get your answers and help.

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My Tablo unit records/airs all my local stations ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, etc…

My Roku TV also gets everything “local” that Tablo does under “Live TV/Antenna” so I usually watch that for “real time” local TV since it loads up much faster than the Tablo unit does.
But it can’t “record” the locals.

I mainly only use/watch the Tablo to watch something I recorded off my “local” channels.
I don’t really use the Tablo unit for my daily normal TV viewing, except maybe on a smart TV in another room that isn’t hooked up to the shared “House” OTA antenna.

Haven’t dealt with things for a while. Doesn’t wireless networking travel from device to AP - wireless Acess Point - by whatever name aka router. That is tablo > AP > streaming device. Inversely: steaming device > AP > tablo.

There is NO tablo <> streaming device via wireless networking. Wired it may only need go as far as a switch.
Or am I missing something.
Now an ad-hoc topology network may allow things differently, but tablo doesn’t allow self assigning IP, so just stick with “conventional” networks.

It did sound wrong. But what I meant is… Strong Wireless signal between the wireless router/AP, Tablo Device, and what ever streaming device you are using.

Thanks for the catch… sometimes my fingers work faster than my brain.

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Hmmm, subjective answers, Now I like it, accept for a few things. Is it easy to set up…depends on how robust your intranet is I guess and the placement of your antenna, wires, booster…etc in regard to interference producing equipment in your home. Is it easy to use? again, maybe, I am experiencing a very very strange Cache/reset/non connection issue that, using tablo tech support, leaves me very very confused. But then again tablo support has never been stellar or clear when asking customers to perform a task. They won’t explain what the task is supposed to rectify, perhaps they don’t know, perhaps they don’t care. flip a coin.

I get it. Many probably say “I know know what you mean”. But with the spectrum of tech understanding here sometimes you need to be more specific than usually.

Someday you’ll get a, they said… and it’s not working

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