I was able to connect to the Tablo App on my Roku streaming device on my main TV. I was also able to configure the port forwarding for remote access. I cannot connect the Fire Stick to the Tablo App on my bedroom TV. The app says it cannot find Tablo, and tells me to visit www.TabloTV.com/androidTV. When I go to the link I get the message below. How can I connect the Fire Stick to the Tablo app?
Your Roku is configured to connect to a LAN router. The tablo app discovers the tablo’s that exist on your LAN.
If your bedroom exists in the same house as your Roku why would you need remote connect. The Fire stick should be connected to the house router and on the same LAN.
All you should been is to have the tablo app on the fire stick and just connect. Not remote connect. Of course if the bedroom fire stick is on a different LAN or on A guest wIfI SSID that’s a different problem.
I don’t use remote connect. I know the fire stck works. But I don’t think the roku is working yet. Once you think it’s setup go your neighbors house and make sure it’s working.