I just passed the 1 year mark as a Tablo owner.
I’m glad I got the Lifetime service.
I can’t remember the last time I watched a TV show in real time(at least not at my house).
I’m glad I got the 4 tuner.
I’ve had two recording conflicts.
I wish there was a 5 or 6 tuner model.
I’m glad I got a 4 TB drive.
I’ve scheduled shows when away from home.
I’ve never remote streamed a show.
I use two 3rd party apps regularly.
* Tablo2go
* Tablo Ripper
I have recommend Tablo to others.
I never regretted the purchase.
I don’t need to know when shows are on!!
How was your Tabloversity?
And will you describe your total setup in detail to help others achieve such success with Tablo.
4 Tuner Tablo (old version)
Wired network wherever possible. Keep wireless traffic down and increase reliability for devices that can’t be wired.
Keep cable runs as short as possible (network cable and TV coax)
Outdoor amplified antenna as high as possible if you live in the boonies like me.
4TB drive from Tablo’s recommend list. Seagate Expansion Desktop Drive
Roku TV, I love the integrated nature of the Roku TVs. I also love Roku because they have not been in the Amazon - Google battle. Thus far Roku is a neutral country!