Gently Used 4 Tuner Tablo For Sale

I bought this new Sept 2014. It’s been amazingly solid - outside of the quirky firmware issues from awhile back. We’ve gone back to the cable dark side and won’t have any use for the Tablo.

$200 shipped in the US. If anyone in Canada is interested, I’d have to check shipping rates.

Sounds good but Amazon Prime NIB for $280.

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OBO :slight_smile:

Hello, do you still have your Tablo for sale.

I do.

Would you be willing to take $150.00. Payment can be made by PayPal.

Thanks, Mike

Yep. Works for me. I can ship tomorrow unless the ice storm keep me in the house :slight_smile:

PayPal is gmturbo at comcast dot net

Cool, just sent you the payment. Shipping Address will be in the PayPal email.



Got it. I’ll be shipping it out today. :+1:

Sold and shipped out.

Anybody else looking for a cheap 4 Tuner TabloTV, they’re currently offering refurbished ones for $200 plus S&H on Amazon. That’s where I bought mine.