I have a Gen 4 w/4 tuners. I’m getting a recording Conflict yet when I check the upcoming recording schedule I have only two OTA channels selected during that time slot.
Any ideas?
Update: My necessity to extend recordings by 5-minutes was the cause of conflict. If Tablo didn’t consistently drop the last couple of minutes of my recordings this would not happen.
I have found that the only channels that are cutting off the end of shows is the FAST channels, and that is the result of the guide provider not having the proper time slot. They have the final 3-5 mins of the previous show and cut off the final minutes of the show you want.
What OTA channels are you having a problem with?
Fast channels are pretty consistent for cutting off the end. I do see often enough on OTA that I just add the 5-minutes to avoid the hassle. Recorded movies are the worst offenders. Dedicated MOVIES are the worst offenders.