Gen 4 doesn't have "Mark Watched" and "Mark Unwatched"?

The legacy Tablo’s gave us the option to mark a recording as “Watched” or “Unwatched”. I don’t see that feature on the Gen 4 - Am I missing it somewhere ?

On my legacy Tablo’s I would mark episodes as “UnWatched” after viewing all the episodes in a series, in the event that I wanted to start watching the series over again from the beginning.

When I had my legacy Tablo I requested (several times) for the ability to mark every episode of a series as “Unwatched” with a single button click, but of course that never happened. Ideally, I would like that option, but as a bare minimum I should have the option to mark individual episodes as “Unwatched”, or preferably both options.


If you have a series you want to rewatch you can go through and watch a couple of seconds of each episode. This erases the blue progress bars. I’m not sure if this would accomplish what you want but it’s what I do.

As you say it would also be great to be able to mark everything in a series as unwatched.

Thanks for that tip, it does work - even if it’s a little bit of a clunky way of doing things.