Gen 4 deletion glitch

Maybe others have seen this, it’s the first time for me. I had two episodes of a show left, one watched, one not. I went to delete the watched episode… it did so, jumped to the unwatched episode and deleted that one as well without any further keypresses from me.

Just a heads up that you might not want to delete episodes until you’ve watched the last one in a series.

I had the same issue. By accident I was looking in the “All” tabs of DVR recordings and there they were. I have noted that each show, when that happened, were all older than 10 days.

Would you let us know what device you’re using to delete your recordings?

We’d like to investigate further.

@VegasSteve - I see a similar issue when deleting on the Gen4 device within Roku Ultra 8450X. If I go “too fast” (because I’m deleting several shows oneXone) then after 2-3 deletions, some recorded shows disappear from the recorded tab. I have to exit the Tablo app to get them to show up again, then I can delete them.

This whole UI/UX is so klugy and dysfunctional which is why I think there are so many complaints.

You know what would help with this problem, a “Trash Can.” My first Tivo, which I got 20+ years ago, would move deleted programs to a “Trash Can.” If you deleted something accidentally, you could go to the Trash Can and restore it to your Library. If the Trash Can got too full, or if a program sat in the trash for too long, it was permanently deleted.

Tablo, you can jot that down as a feature request.

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That’s an excellent idea.

Sharing that with our developers.