Maybe others have seen this, it’s the first time for me. I had two episodes of a show left, one watched, one not. I went to delete the watched episode… it did so, jumped to the unwatched episode and deleted that one as well without any further keypresses from me.
Just a heads up that you might not want to delete episodes until you’ve watched the last one in a series.
I had the same issue. By accident I was looking in the “All” tabs of DVR recordings and there they were. I have noted that each show, when that happened, were all older than 10 days.
@VegasSteve - I see a similar issue when deleting on the Gen4 device within Roku Ultra 8450X. If I go “too fast” (because I’m deleting several shows oneXone) then after 2-3 deletions, some recorded shows disappear from the recorded tab. I have to exit the Tablo app to get them to show up again, then I can delete them.
This whole UI/UX is so klugy and dysfunctional which is why I think there are so many complaints.
You know what would help with this problem, a “Trash Can.” My first Tivo, which I got 20+ years ago, would move deleted programs to a “Trash Can.” If you deleted something accidentally, you could go to the Trash Can and restore it to your Library. If the Trash Can got too full, or if a program sat in the trash for too long, it was permanently deleted.
Tablo, you can jot that down as a feature request.