Here is the message that helped me.
I found what is causing the ‘Weak Signal’ problem on a lot of people’s Tablos. It is a blocking issue caused by the data transfer rates of the USB drives. I put in an old 4GB flash drive just to get it all set up. It has a red, flashing light when it’s getting access. I noticed it would flash, then I would get a ‘Weak signal’ almost immediately (iOS app, but similar message on Web app and Roku App). It became apparent your software is blocking on the data writes before it sends out the stream, due to the fact that you include DVR functionality. My antenna signals were 5 green dots so I know it wasn’t actually a weak signal. So, to test, I lowered my resolution to the minimum and was then able to stream a station to my ipad. Then I would go back to the guide, try another station, and then get ‘weak signal’. This is because it was still flushing the buffer of the previous station to the very slow bus of the flash drive. Yes, I am also a programmer. Hopefully this will help you. This is still an error, but only somewhat of a user error of not having a fast enough drive. It is primarily a marketing error in that you did not convey, and need to be explicit, in terms of your minimum write speeds accepted to be able to stream the server, and the minimums for each resolution. You should also check the write speeds and give a better error to the end user, along with the write speed detected along with minimum write speeds for that resolution. Hope this helps - Mike[/Quote]