External Drive Transfer

I have been using a Gen4 two tuner with an external hard drive. I installed a new Gen4 four tuner today. The new four tuner will recognize the hard drive; however, it does not show the content which I have recorded on the hard drive from the two tuner. Both Tablos are using the same firmware version. I have tried troubleshooting methods from the Tablo website. Any suggestions are appreciated.

You can’t transfer content from one 4th gen to another. Your recordings will only work on the device that was used to record them.


That’s what I thought. Thanks for the reply.

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Not a very nice “feature”
If the unit dies and Hard Drive is still good, you’re SOL.

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It’s not a nice feature at all. When using an external hard drive on a gen4 it should be interchangeable and readable with other gen4 Tablos as long as they’re both using the same firmware. I decided to use the same external hard drive with my new gen4 4 tuner. The drive works fine, but of course the drive was wiped clean of all previously recorded shows during the overnight updating process.

If you don’t mind my asking, what happened to your two-tuner? Had it gone bad, or did you just decide that you wanted additional tuners?

I know it is too late for you now since your drive was wiped, but IF there was nothing wrong with the two-tuner, you could have left that drive in place and just gotten a new drive for the four-tuner. The Tablo app allows you to have multiple ‘pucks’ on the same network. So, you could have left them both in place and switched back and forth between the two pucks until you had finished watching the content on the two-tuner.

Again, I know that is no longer an option for you, but someone else might see this and find it useful.

Software should be modified to allow migrating a drive.


My two tuner is working perfectly. I just wanted the additional tuners. I did what you suggested for awhile. I switched back and forth between both Tablos. I just decided to use my old external drive rather than buy a new one for the new four tuner Tablo. I knew that the existing recordings would be erased when i connected the hard drive to the new four tuner Tablo. I just got tired of switching between two different Tablos.

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