Episode descriptions on recorded shows, 4th gen

Tablo displays episode descriptions on shows prior to recording. It shows it on the android app (prior to and after recording). WHY can’t you show it on the recorded show in Roku or Google TV? You have the info, why can’t you just display it?

When it comes to the gen 4, even a year after it’s release, you aren’t suppose to ask common sense questions.

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They don’t do this on Fire TV app either.

However, on the Samsung TV app for the Tablo v4 they show the episode descriptions. It’s one of the things I noticed when the Samsung app was released and asked them to bring this feature to other platforms.

When I select a recorded show on the Samsung app, it brings up a right-side slide-out menu screen with the recorded shows listed, but it displays them in chronological order without any watched or new indicators on the episodes. However, when I select a show, the subsequent right-side popup menu includes the episode’s description. It also includes an extra menu option for either ‘Mark Episode Unwatched’, or ‘Mark Episode Watched’.

Most people probably don’t have access to this. Glad it works for you though and it proves that Tablo can do it, the question is why don’t they do it and make all the apps uniform.

This. I would very much like all the apps to be as similar as possible across platforms.

Isn’t the real question, why would tablo design gen 4 apps that don’t display the same level of information for recordings as the legacy roku, fire tv, and browser apps do. And a year after the initial product release the apps aren’t much or any better. It’s not like the information isn’t available.