Electronic TV Guide Subscription

Hello! I have the legacy tablo duo and subscribed to the Electronic TV Guide schedule. If I stop my subscription - can my legacy tablo still record based on the TV Guide? Or am I screwed and I am left to just manually scheduling to record a program based on its normal schedule? I am pissed with my recording schedule in that if a NBA basketball extends into a scheduled recording, Tablo does not adjust the recoding schedule. It records the extended NBA game and cuts the scheduled program off too soon before it ends.

Thanks for any advice.

No, sorry.
Subscription = Guide

Manual recordings is the only option with no subscription for legacy Tablos.

Or, you can choose to extend times of shows set to record that begin after an extended sporting event runs over the allotted time. We record some shows after weekend basketball, baseball, and football games and will usually extend these recordings by 30 or 60 minutes. Football is notorious for this.