Eero & Apple TV & Spectrum modem

Hello -
I recently purchased a Tablo. Having trouble on how to connect everything.
I have a modem from Spectrum. My eero is connected to the internet port on the modem and my Apple TV is connected to the eero. I do t have any ports left to connect the Tablo. How do I connect these? I assume I need the modem.

You can get a 4-8 port ethernet hub to plug into the eero and plugin both the apple tv and tablo with a few ports to spare for future purchases.

Try this to get extra ethernet ports. It’s not too expensive.


That’s the exact same one I bought a year ago and have had zero problems. It was perfect for my application with an HD Homerun tuner, Tablo 4th Gen, two access points, a wired Fire TV Cube and a wired ONN 4k Pro.


TP-Link is a decent switch.

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I agree that connecting via Ethernet is best if you can run the wires without tripping over them. The network switch mentioned above is a good one, and switches are pretty much plug-and-play. Yes, the modem is a necessity, and the network switch would go between the Eero router and the Apple TV.

Keep in mind that the Tablo is designed to work via WiFi. If the distances are not too far, and you have few obstructions in your home network, it is worth a try.

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Great! Thank you for all of your help. I am about 5 miles from a very large tower, and scanning gave me a lot of channels. Cutting the cable cord. I can connect via wifi and things come in great. I just thought I would have a more stable connection via ethernet. Doesn’t really matter.
If I were to do ethernet I just plug the Tablo and Apple TV into the network switch? Am I correct that the network switch would be plugged into the modem?
Thanks again!

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I think it would be…

Modem < Eero < Switch < other devices (TabloTV and AppleTV). The switch extends the number of Eero ports.

I personally use Ethernet for all my A/V equipment except my Roku and Fire Stick, which are wifi-connected.

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Thank you!

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Hello -
I’m am pretty technically proficient, but for some reason having a brain freeze. Just to reiterate, I have my Apple TV & the Tablo plugged into the TP-Link network switch and my Router plugged into the Eero, so I need my Eero plugged into the network switch as well, correct? If so, I’ll need to get another ethernet cable. Sorry for the stupid question.
Thanks for your help.

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Yep, you need to connect the two.

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There are no stupid questions. Only those that aren’t asked.


Just double-checking… I assume that your Router IS the Eero. Is that correct?

Your internet service comes into your house and connect to a Modem (or an optical network terminal (ONT) if you have fiber). This connects to your router, which I think in your case is made by Eero (same one I have). You router provides WiFi and likely has one or two Ethernet ports. If you need additional Ethernet ports, you get a network switch. The switch is connects to the Ethernet port in the Router. You can then connect your other Ethernet capable devices to the additional ports on the switch.

I hope that clarifies things.

Yes, thanks for the clarifications. Things are working now. I appreciate all of your help. Thanks again.