"Displeased" is putting it mildly!

My son is in Arizona, which is currently on WC time, so I think of these things.

Excellent points all around!!:roll_eyes:

OK folks… I think everyone has had a chance to say their piece.

There’s no need to keep rehashing this.

A reminder that name calling and pot stirring are frowned upon.

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Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You,Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You,Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!

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Interesting??..As a result of my taking issue to being hung up on, Tablo basically agrees that their phone support could use improvement (an understatement of sorts)!
…which may, at some point be helpful to everyone here!
…yet passivity rules the day!..kinda strange!
To each his own, I guess.

New subject…
A two tuner “Dual lite” with just 128GB of built- in storage??
A four tuner “Quad” with just 1TB of built-in storage??
Are they serious???
What’s the concensus on this (he asks reluctantly)?

I have the quad with my own 1TB drive. I’ve found it to be more than adequate. Remember, you’re only recording OTA shows, not streamed shows from Hulu, USA, BritBox, etc. I think the 128GB is too small, should be ~500GB.

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BTW, I would never buy a tuner with a built-in drive, which is the primary reason I went with Tablo and not Homerun. I current have Verizon, with an extended drive, I have upped the extended drive several times, and have had drives go bad. Unlike a computer these drives get used heavily, the are used to record Live TV so you can pause and resume, rewind, etc.

@ discobot type(Thank You) * 1000

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The 128GB “Dual Lite” is pointless in my opinion! It’s almost as if it’s intended as a temporary starter drive for new users to “get their feet wet”. It would make sense to get people “up and running”, I suppose?
If it was included at the same price, fine.
It’s not that the addl. $20.00 is going to “break the bank” but you’ll need to add an external drive in no time!
It will fill up so fast that it will only serve to frustrate people when they’re forced to add an external drive for more storage.
Insofar as the 1TB “Quad” is concerned, considering it has four tuners, I would never choose a 1TB drive! Especially considering just how the prices have dropped on external drives (especially the “portables”)!
A basic WD 1TB portable drive costs bet. $40-50.00 these days. They’re charging $40.00 more for this version of the “Quad”.
What’s the point, really??
It may be more esthetically pleasing to some (to avoid having the seperate drive) but a basic 2TB WD portable drive costs no more than $60.00 these days!
$20.00 more for double the capacity seems alot more practical to me!
I’d be curious as to what drive they’re using in the “Quad” version (the “Dual Lite” uses flash memory).
That could be another reason to stick with the original “Quad”. Freedom of choice.

This is all why I prefer a tuner with no drive, let me pick and add on my own. Considering I watch more non-OTA shows, 1TB is plenty for me. If the networks ever start having good shows again (doubtful but you never know), and I exceed the 1TB size, I can always upgrade the internal and keep the other drive as an external.

Dude. Love the quote. Perfectly appropriate. Denner

My Tablo started with 64gb built-in flash… I quickly upgraded that to a 2tb portable drive… which was beat to death in about a week by the Tablo. So I swapped that for a 6tb WD Elements desktop external… and that works a treat… quiet, smooth and so far bullet proof. I am thinikng of upgrading to a 4 tuner model and hooking up an 8tb WD Elements.

This is where Tablo has it all over Tivo, to upgrade my Tivo Bolt is complicated, to say the least. When it fails, I plan to replace it with a Tablo unit. Currently I own 3 DVRs, and Tablo is the best of the bunch. But they all have their points. One of my DVRs has only 500gb, but it has a paid-up lifetime guide, so I will use it until it rots (a Tivo, so I can’t transfer the guide sub to a new unit – Tablo wins again!)

Unless I misread, the lifetime guide is to the person, if you upgrade the Tablo then you can have them apply it to the new device, so long as the old one is put out of commission.

try usein a colons to get :exclamation::exclamation::exclamation:!:grey_exclamation::grey_exclamation::grey_exclamation:!:heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation:! Or the backtick for unlimited !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!being preformated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!text!!!!!!!!makes it looks like a space!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you, that was bugging me to no end. :slight_smile:

How is recording live TV different from …recording TV, from the point of the device? It records/stores segs.ts logs the playlist (simplified, referring to disk I/O). Pausing, it continues just as if you’re watching (I’m unsure of the time limit). Resume is just continue the streaming. It’s still reading and writing in sync (caching I suppose). There may be a limit how far you can go back, but it’s not like rewinding a “tape” if your media player have a reverse, it’s still streaming and the player is processing. If you’re “clicking” back to a point, it just picking a point in the playlist. As I understand.

How much less does your Windows 10 PC allow your drive to sit idle? for more than 30 seconds?


These are cute kittens in a basket. Be more like cute kittens in a basket.

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Here’s a table loving kitty

She does have a heated basket… aprently I unplugged it too early