Display clock during playback

So I noticed when watching a recording on Roku, if you press OK during playback, program and episode info appear on the screen for a few seconds but not the clock. The way to see the time is to pause playback. Can’t we have the time displayed on screen with program info without a pause. Newer TV’s don’t all have a clock display. This seems like such an easy fix and it’s lack is a major irritant for me.

Passed the request along to the team who let me know it’s already in the works! Stay tuned.

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Related to this, it would be nice to have a way to briefly show the clock AND progress bar (how much of the recording is left to watch) without having to pause the playback. Pressing play/pause already serves the function of pausing the video, so I’m not sure why the Okay button does the same thing.

On many devices doesn’t the tablo app just use the actual HLS video player supplied by the device vendor. And if so it may not be possible control all the buttons.

Zippy is correct… Plus not all devices have both OK and PLAY buttons.

While Zippy may be correct that Tablo uses the stock Roku player, it certainly doesn’t have to. Netflix, Hulu, and Prime all have a proprietary player (of varying qualities, i.e. Prime’s is so bad it’s actually sad).

I’m sure that developing a Tablo specific Roku player is a majorish project, but not an unworthy one. Especially since the current player struggles with Rew and FF thumbnails due to some type of Roku specific memory capacity issue or something or other. So while solving the bigger issue, it would be nice if we could throw a clock on the screen.

What Roku model are you using? I don’t have issues with the FF preview thumbnails. I am using a Roku Premiere+ Model 4630 from 2016.

OMG, the feature request was to add A WAY to display the progress bar and clock without pausing video playback. It was not a request to set a specific button’s function.

I have the same Premiere+ model as you. I also have a TCL Roku TV 2018 and an Express 2016 and in the closet a Premiere 2016, Roku 3 and a Roku 2 (4330 and 4310 I believe). They all seem to have the thumbnail issue on any recording over 30 minutes long. About 45 minutes in, the thumbnails are blank. You need to exit and re-enter the player to clear out the full cache. It’s a known issue that has been discussed here.

Interesting. Guess all the Roku devices must be have the plague then - think 1GB is the highest amount of RAM they come with.

“the feature request was to add A WAY to display the progress bar and clock without pausing video playback”

I would think that functionality might be controlled by device vendor. I would suspect that when the tablo app launches the video player it passes the player the location of the m3u file. After that the app probably doesn’t have control until certain events cause a call-back to the app.