Commercial Skip Price is Right

I recorded some The Price Is Right. Just say no… no to commercial skip that is.

While some show might have something short at the front and maybe multiples at the end, The Price is Right is full of very very very short interludes of actual show that are the same length or SHORTER than a normal commercial run. This really messes up any kind of AI. Think you just had a commercial run? No, it was show! If I thought it was show, no, it’s a commercial run! Any fancy decision making goes out as soon as you make the wrong guess. It’s just bad.

This is a mess and IMHO needs to be added to list of shows to not do CS for (it might even be my personal #1 for not doing CS, it’s that bad).

That’s funny. I’m looking at my CS for today’s Price is Right. I have game play in only 8 locations and the shortest 146 seconds.

It generated 6 CS locations. The shortest was 90 seconds. And the second shortest was over 140 seconds.

Mine always have this pattern.

Tablo, Thanks for the list. Unfortunately the shows I record are not on that list. I record Jeopardy and it use to be spot on but since the last update that had fix’s for CS its not been spot on anymore. To me it seems CS has gotten worse since the last update.

Anyway I guess it is what it is. I’ve only been around for about a year so I don’t know how long CS has been out. Hopefully as we go forward it will get better…

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