Chronological Listing for Recorded and Upcoming recordings

Item #1
This is likely an old subject, but I haven’t seen it voiced recently, so I’d like to refresh it. I’m disappointed to see the lack of a purely chronological display of recordings. During our recent transition to Tablo, the place where this came up as a sore spot in our household is the “Chicago” trilogy of Med, PD and Fire. Often they have crossover events (along with Law & Order: SVU, on occasion) where one show feeds into the others. Since the recorded shows are all shown in parallel under individual “tiles”, it’s up to the user to dig into all three/four show listings to figure out which show aired first, so they don’t start in the middle of the story line.

The previous DVR app I ran was a PC-based software that used chronological listing as the primary display for recorded shows, but could also be toggled to sort shows by title, not unlike the current UI of Tablo. I’d like to see another filter/optional view that would list off the recordings by air date/time.

Item 2
Similar to Item 1, I’d like to see a list of Scheduled recordings in chronological order as well. This is most useful when I need to make adjustments to my system and take it “offline”. Rather than dig into every show we have listed under “Scheduled” to see when the next big opening would be, it would be much easier to jump to a filter/view that shows all of the upcoming recordings with a date/time stamp.

General comments
So far I’m very pleased with the software and interoperability across multiple platforms. The only things I really miss are the aforementioned items and the automatic commercial-skip feature of my old software. Kudos to the dev team for a great product! I’ll continue to tell friends, coworkers and fellow cord-cutters about this handy little DVR.


@enjunear - Are you wanting a ‘list view’? Or are you just looking for a ‘most recent’ sort option? Which platforms?

We are planning to bring ‘recent recordings’ to Roku soon but it is available on many other platforms already.

The FireTV can already sort recordings by most recent, which I use all the time. But I agree with you about number 2. That is currently my most desired new feature. I really miss the ability to look at scheduled recordings by date, so I know what shows are coming up to be recorded and when they will be airing. I do not like the current method of listing every show I have ever scheduled to record regardless of whether it will be airing in the next two weeks or not. I am surprised I don’t see that requested more often. I think the Roku used to do this, but it may have been the legacy Roku app. None of the other apps offer this feature that I have seen.


I agree about the “Scheduled Recordings”…

It would be nice to see a “To do List” of scheduled recordings in order from Now into the future ordered by date and time…

And happy to hear the “recent recordings” sort of recorded shows is coming soon to Roku :smile:


@TabloTV - My previous program was a simple list view, so that’s what I’m most familiar with. A Most Recent view would also be useful, but wasn’t what I was envisioning in my original request. For platforms, it’s primarily a Roku 3, then PC web browser in a distant 2nd place, and Android tablet/phones in a close 3rd.

I’m glad to hear that a similar feature is already available on other platforms, hopefully it migrates to Roku in the near future.

I think a sort option for Upcoming (By Date) for the next two weeks within the Scheduled tab would very useful. Right now it’s just all scheduled in alphabetical order but it would be really nice to know what coming up in the next few days.


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I will second this feature, this would be very helpful (and probably not that difficult to implement - of course I am not doing the work!).

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:+1: +1 here as well. My old DVR had this feature and I used it as a good way to see what shows were coming up and on what days.

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:soon:Ditto! I watch my Tablo recordings via iPad using AirPlay on my Apple TV. I hope that the update will be available on the Apple platforms soon, as well. Thank you

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for recorded shows, i find it a little confusing that within each season, the listed order is first to last episode, while the most recent season is listed at the top. i understand that some may want it this way. but for me it’s most logical to list the earliest season on top and the most recent season at the bottom. so without changing it one way or the other for everyone, can we have the option to order the episodes within each season AND the option to order the seasons as well?