Channels missing from guide

Just got my tablo setup and for some reason 3 stations that were found and have strong signal are not loading on the guide. In the guide next to these stations it just says loading. It has been this way for two days now. Any thoughts on how to fix this.


Open a ticket gving them your zip code and channels. Then wait 17 days if you get like I did, but sometimes only 7. You also might try a different zip code that is in the same area as you.

I had the same problem and loaded a different zip code next to me. Corrected the problem.

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I’d still open a ticket so @Tablotv can have the guide provider associate needed channels with your zip code so if there are new Tablo users in your area, they don’t get the problem. I think adding channels to another zip code should be faster.

@RCRParalegal - Yes, please do pop support a note so we can make sure those channels are associated with your zip!

Changing the ZIP worked. Thanks, and I will be sure to open a ticket.

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