In Birmingham Alabama Chanel have changed and and new one added. Could you up date the program guide on both the old and new Tablo’s.
44.3 laff
44.4 MeTv Toons
44.5 Busted
44.6 Game Show Central
This is what is showing in the guide as of today. See picture
Did you file a ticket?
Don’t know how much good it will do, they are having a problem with their guide provider. Tablo says they are looking into alternatives, but who knows how long that will be.
When I asked about program guide information missing from one channel that I receive (Channels 35.1 to 35.9, WHCT - Hartford, CT), I got a canned response saying the same thing that papagrome just posted above. The canned response also said to try different zip codes near my location (and others on the forum told me that too).
Thanks for that link! I just contacted WHCT. I hope they can help, but I don’t expect that anything will change, (unless Tablo finds an alternative provider).
I just talked to support and she had me change my zip code which I did but nothing changed. But if I use the tv turner and press guid all my tv channels are correct along with what’s coming on that channel.
After I removed the channel and rescanned them back in the same thing happens I get all my channels but the guide is wrong.
Unfortunately, in this case, the old Tablo support won’t help. Tablo needs to enter into a new agreement with a guide provider. The suggestion to select a new ZIP code works for some people because the data may be valid for a different ZIP code.
The data you get directly from the TV is different. It comes directly from the TV channel. Tablo’s data has additional information. In a perfect world, we could select where the guide data comes from. We don’t live in that world.
Gracenote used to be the premiere guide data supplier. Unfortunately, they are deciding that they’re not going to keep the channel lineup up-to-date as they should.
The TabloTV Guide webpage provides pretty good data, but it doesn’t say what source it uses. This might be a good alternative to for novice users.
Just got a email from Tablo asking if the problem was solved. So I called them and ask how could I solve the problem when it is the guid database that’s wrong? They said they know about the problem and are trying to fix it. I told the lady before they got bought out the problem would have been solved in 24 to 58 hours. The old support team said all they need to do is call the guid provider and make a request. Bang 24 to 48 hours the guid was fix. Why can’t the new owner do the same?