Cast to Roku devices

So I’ve discovered that Netflix and YouTube apps can cast to Roku devices and it works really well. Roku lists a little about this capability online. Unfortunately Roku devices don’t show up in the list of available devices within other Chromecast’ing apps (like Tablo) so it looks like the app developer has to add this capability.

Given the strong Roku community within Tablo and that Tablo content is supported through both Roku and Chromecast… I would really like to see Tablo consider implementing this, as it would give freedom to Tablo users to cast or use the Tablo Roku channel via the same HDMI port… Plus, Roku casting supports queues.

So I would finely be able to queue up an entire seasons of shows (or weeks worth of a show) and binge watch it without constantly interacting with the interface… Just like you can with Netflix. Something Tablo really needs.

@Thumbs - Good idea! 

We’re actively looking to add a Roku developer so we can do cool stuff like this. Stay tuned!

@TabloTV This may be more in the realm of @matb33 and your android Dev staff (As the final outcome is the list of cast’able devices being updated)… But, I wonder if indeed a supporting Roku interface is also required too?

Anyway, that’s why there are product roadmaps… To sort these ideas out. Thanks for considering it.

Right now our Android team and our Roku team are basically the same guys. :slight_smile:  That’s why we’re looking to hire an additional guy to just focus on Roku. 

This may be a quick win depending on other things that need to get done. In the meantime thanks for the feedback. We read everything and add it all to the list!