All of a sudden, without making any changes, I was not able to log into my Tablo yesterday. I spent a few hours reading the online help and none of the suggestions fixed it. I use AppleTV – which works fine. Most of the time I get to the place where you select the Tablo wifi network. I type in my wifi password and it searches for eternity. Nothing happens. However, there are many times when the Tablo wifi does not appear. I have done everything I know how – unplug the AppleTV, Tablo, and my router. Nothing changes. I have pushed the little reset button in the back of the Tablo. Nothing changes. It is pretty discouraging that no Tablo support is available on the weekends. On a side note, why does Tablo now record my programs twice?
Had a similar problem. Ended up unplugging the Tablo from Ethernet and power. Let it set for a few minutes , then replugged everything back in. It came back up and online.
I use wifi. I do not have a long enough ethernet cord to try that.
Ive had a similar problem. All the sudden I wont be able to web into the tablo. I can use a roku to get to it just fine just not the web. I reboot the tablo and it works again for a period of time then does it again.; PS mine is Ethernet connected.
It’s most likely either your Tablo or your WiFi. I assume the other apps on your ATV are working and streaming OK?
If so - can you connect to your Tablo with another device - a laptop or desktop for example? Or another streaming box or smart TV in your home? If so, there may be some sort of new WiFi interference between your Tablo and your ATV.
Try setting your Tablo’s address in your router’s config to a permanent address. That’s always a good idea anyway.
it is and has always been ethernet connected with a static assigned address so wifi is not an issue.When it happens my roku’s can connect like a champ.