Can’t scan in the Channel 9 CBET/CBC station from Saint Clair Shores, Michigan

First posting here. Very glad to be a member here and proud long time Tablo user.
We can’t scan in the Channel 9 CBET/CBC tv station from our home Saint Clair Shores, Michigan with the Tablo 4th Gen, 4 tuner device. While we’re aware that it is a Canadian television station, it has long been considered as a Detroit area television station. It’s across the river from Detroit in Windsor, Canada. We can receive it via our outdoor antenna on our televisions, but our Tablo will not add it to our guide. Can you please add it to our zip code 48080 as a station that can be added to our guide on the Tablo? Or is there a workaround that I am not aware of, that will bring it in? Thank you.