Best Streaming Device to currently use with Tablo gen 4 app

Based on your user experiences…which streaming device currently would be better to use with Tablo Gen 4 app. Firetv cube gen3…or latest Roku Ultra? Which has the least amount of problems?

Are you asking about these 2 because you currently own them or want to buy one of the two.

If you are talking about buying a new STB there are other things to consider besides the tablo gen 4 app.

I own a Firetv cube 3rd gen and use it with Fire Tv Recast. The problem is the Recast is no longer supported by Amazon and is going down hill quicklyl I’ve heard good things about the Tablo 4th gen and was wondering if it worked better with Fire tv or Roku. Which one would have least amount of glitches.

My son is home from college and he has a LG FireTV and it works fine against Tablo.

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Since you already own a fire tv device you know the problem with fire tv is that the base OS never gets updated and the gen 3 cube is already 1 release behind the current fire os.

But I would ride that puppy into the ground. I prefer roku since they seem to always update the roku os even on ancient hardware. I would stay away from the walmart models or any model by other retailers that is cheaper based in reduced features. I always buy ultra’s and my 2013 4200 got the new roku os 13 and keeps chugging away.

Thanks for your input. When the recast totally dies I’ll go for the Tablo 4 with Roku Ultra…which I believe will be sooner than later.

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