Anyone else catch the Tablo miss scheduling a record?

This happened to me tonight. Scheduled to record the flash. Once it was done synching there was no new episode. I went to scheduled recordings and tonight’s episode was there and then it disappeared. I’ve recorded the entire season.

Sorry to hear you guys are having issues with recordings. @HarryR @Neal_Goldberg - Can you both please touch base with Tablo Support and provide your MAC address (on the bottom of your Tablo unit) to us so we can pull the logs and see what happened?

I am having the same problem I just tried to manually record a show just to see if it I working and it didn’t record at all. I have a 4 tuner and don’t have time for this not to be working. I paid too much for this device and it is not doing nothing.

@NoTablo1 - Please send a note to support so we can investigate why this occurred.