Antenna Signal Loss While Recording

What will happen to the recording when the Tablo loses signal from the antenna due to a storm or other such factor and then receives the signal back a few seconds later?

From what others have said on the forum low signal pixelation continues the recording, I am hoping that if the Tablo loses signal that it will start recording again minus the gap caused by the signal loss.

I don’t think the Tablo has a resume/retry ability if the signal is lost at this point. Similar if it happens when you’re watching, the feed either stops or just displays the white progress bar and freezes until you cancel and re-select the channel. Since it’s acting like not just a tuner, but a tuner and converter, maybe only one of the two is the issue?  Maybe it’s a bug?

@guck11 This really depends on the severity of the inclement weather conditions and how they affect the packet loss rate. This case isn’t black and white, it’s really relative to the corruption rate. It some instances the recording will fail altogether due to (weather) corruption, in others you may simply have some patchy-ness here and there.

@TabloSupport and @Itldevl thanks for the response.

So it sounds like “cliff edge” pixels will mote than likely continue the recording and/or Live TV viewing.

But total signal loss for any length of time will kill the recording completely and not resume when signal comes back.  And Live TV will not pick back up, we would have to exit the channel and go back in to restart the feed.  Correct?

I would definitely add this to the Roadmap of feature requests.  My old cable company’s DVR ( time warner did for us ) would resume recording if power loss or signal loss.  It would just have the recording broken up into two recordings, minus the gap from signal/power loss.  Also to have Live TV resume automatically when signal comes back.

Thanks again and keep up the good work with all tthe improvements.

I will add my vote for continuing recording if the power or signal loss happens. Notifications would be good for this too :wink:

@guck11 @Jestep Thanks for the feedback - I’ll speak to the team and pass this along to the engineers.

In my case it dropped the recording. That’s when I was using a crappy indoor antenna and Chromecast. Nightmare scenario.