You can record or view 4 different channels at the same time. The downside of the HDMI unit is that it doesn’t transcribe the broadcast signal to an MP4 signal that is smaller in size and can be easily viewed on many different devices. At this time, Tablo has elected to only support a limited set of devices with the HDMI unit.
The product pages have loads of information… but you have to follow through the pages to get the details. Most of it’s not fine print and clearly explained… now.
I have been doing all of this on my Mythbox since 15 years. I bought this Tablo device because my graphic card died on me. Guess i made a mistake and should i bought a graphic card instead!
Is there someone looking for a cheap Tablo Quad Hdmi?
Beautiful! I retired my PC DVR years ago, but still use Media PC, not Myth… really just PCs connect with a TV for a monitor any more. Using my tablo to record then export to suit my needs
Still, I can recall if you wanted to record OTA you pretty much had to build your own. Even now, it’s nice to have to custom, your own way. A one-size-fits-all does a decent jot, but often has it’s shortcomings.
I believe tablo’s hold some value and (checking completed sales) have a market on Ebay.