All TabloTV clients on same Wifi subnet?

Have purchased TabloQuad.
TabloQuad device Ethernet connected to Router.
Successfully WiFi connected from client on iPad.
Successfully Ethernet connected from client on Roku1.
Cannot WiFi connect to client on Roku2. Does not discover the TabloQuad. Suspect it’s because iPad is on different WiFi subnet than Roku2. Is that an issue?
I don’t want TV’s and Computers on same WiFi subnet.
Am willing to eliminate iPad Tablo client. Can I just delete TabloTV client from iPad (installation directions recommended first install be on phone or tablet).? Will this eliminate conflict (assuming that is problem)?
Asking first because I’ve set up recordings via Roku1 and hope not to lose.
Thank you

All devices need to be on the same Wifi network, which has to be the same as your ethernet devices.

Your Roku TVs need to be on the same network as the Tablo device.

What device you use to set up the recordings is irrelevant. All client devices access the same data on the Tablo device.

If by “same network” you mean same Router then I am using just one including its associated Ethernet switch. However, I use that Routers main WiFi connection for computers and “Guest” Wifi connection for IoT devices including TVs. (Had used the term “subnet” for this, but I may be using incorrectly).

I understand then that I have to put iPad and TV on same (Guest or Main) WiFi network if I want them both.
I understand further that I can delete the Tablo client on my iPad without other affect and then should be able to connect all TVs to Guest.

Thank you for your prompt and helpful reply

iPad, TVs, AND the Tablo itself need to be on the same Wifi network. If you insist that the TVs need to be on the Guest network, then the Tablo will need to be as well.

Actually, now that I think about it a little more, you probably can’t use the Guest network for this at all. Usually, devices on a router’s “Guest” network can ONLY connect to the internet. They cannot connect to any other local devices, on either the Guest or regular network.

There are two big advantages to using a Guest network on your router----- 1. you don’t have to disclose your passwords for the main networks to actual Guests on your router. 2. Routers usually have the ability to ISOLATE any guest network activity from gaining access to your main LAN, which is good security.

However; on many routers you can easily toggle a control switch on the Guest network in question, which would ALLOW users on guest to access the LAN fully. There are use cases where that makes sense and is needed for LAN use — e.g. to access a wireless printer, etc…

If you are willing to allow LAN while your guest network is being used then devices on the guest network would/could be seen as on LAN. Such a setting would fulfill your Tablo’s searching for LAN!

My reason for use of Guest is as you indicated for security. I don’t want actual guests or compromised IoT devices or televisions to have easy access to my Main PC LAN (actually Ethernet connected) or mobile computers main WiFi LAN (iPad, iPhone). Note - some better routers than mine allow setting up multiple WiFi LANS even without use of Guest.
My Tablo is Ethernet connected to Router switch. It only knows about WiFi to extent setting up first client involved my iPad on Main WiFi…
I have experimented by changing Roku2 to Main Wifi and it now supports TabloTV as would be expected.
So now I have everything on Main Wifi LAN(or Ethernet LAN) much to my consternation.
Your statements would indicate cannot have Tablo server on Guest, but if I misunderstand,
is there a way to move everything to Guest without factory reset of Tablo server? It does not need access to my LAN (Ethernet or WiFi) as I don’t need Tablo on my iPad or iPhone (or PC). Just removing iPad Tablo client did not support change of Tablo WiFi assignment.

It’s got nothing to do with resetting the Tablo device (server). In my experience, most routers that support a Guest network don’t allow ANY communication between the devices on the Guest network. Those devices can only connect outside the network (ie, the Internet). You would have to check the documentation on your router to confirm.

If your router supports it, you could use VLANs or specific routing rules to restrict the Roku devices from connecting to anything on your LAN other than the Tablo. But that takes a more sophisticated router and some fairly advanced networking knowledge to set up.

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OK. Had not thought about it but until adding the Tablo none of the devices on my Guest network have needed to communicate with each other.

I’m lucky in that I am able to use Ethernet connections for all but one TV, though I need to expand the switch to do so. That seems like the path of least resistance until and unless I decide to upgrade my Router to something supporting multiple wireless LAN’s. Thank you for your assistance.

For the one tv, you might try a power line connector. I used one when my son was still at home and wanted a connection in his room.

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