Abc, cbs, nbc, fox


The four major networks have been blocked :no_entry_sign:

With powerful antenna the brings in 72 channels crystal clear. MeTV Ion etc.

THE MOST POWERFUL BROADCAST NETWORKS ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX now zero channels. Zero on their channels updates, downloads.

The only point was the major networks. Worthless.

The major networks want royalties if you tape and fast forward.

Just lies to members.

DONT LOOSE THE CHANNELS, youll never get them back.

Just wrong

I think we need a lot more info on this. Doesn’t sound correct.


I really don’t understand most of this message. What do you mean by “Zero on their channels updates, downloads.”

Have you tried running another channel scan to see if these stations show up? Are you in favorites and you’re not seeing a guide? Can you share a picture of what you mean by any of this?

I’m not sure if it helps, but I ran a channel scan and everything (main channel, sub channel) is showing up as it should.


Most likely a troll post. No real user would make that a first post ever here, and the username is suspicious.


Good point. I suppose the emoji was a dead giveaway, too! lol

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A quick Google search comes up with a LinkedIn profile, with the same picture.

With a name like that, I wonder if they have anything to do with a guy named Jones from Indiana?