4TH GEN Tablo Setup Problems

New Tablo just arrived. Plugged in, opened (new) app and began install process. When you get to the step where you connect Tablo to your wifi network, then go back to log into it … Enter Password, click “Submit” but nothing happens.

It does not look like the Submit button accepted the click. There’s no tactical or audio response of any kind, nothing on the entire screen changes. Everything just sits there. Maybe I’m overlooking something simple? Because this IS very simple (but it’s not).

AND … just stopped the app, relaunched it, but it won’t boot up. A blank blue screen with a little circular loading symbol. Let it sit there for five minutes, just to be certain. Looks like the problem is the app, rather than the hardware. Either way, I think I’ll just pack it up and send it back.

Did you set up a new account? If you had a legacy account that won’t work, you need to set up a new one for the 4th gen unit.

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Yes, I registered for a new account before starting the process.

You could always delete the app data and reboot the client and see if the app/device forgets where it was and starts over. And along the way maybe rebooting the actual tablo might also help. Or maybe it’s - would it make it any worse?

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It is at this point that the circle jerk began. On this screen, which (having entered the password) just sits there forever. Can’t get past it. I would normally think I’m overlooking something simple, but there’s nothing to overlook here?

I tried that. Twice. Deleted the app, unplugged the tablo, made tacos & ate lunch, plugged it back in, reinstalled the app. Still stuck in this circle jerk. Crazy, because this is not exactly rocket science.

Sounds like the kind of problems I had setting up a dual 128 this summer using a tablet with android release 12. I did all the initial setup( firmware, channel scan, and guide ) wired. But when I disconnected the ethernet, rebooted, and used the tablo SSID to add the WiFi it took 4-5 tries before it would succeed. Each one going back to wired so I could get the tablo SSID rebroadcast.

After entering the WiFi SSID and password it would spin around saying it was verifying and switching to them. All I could think it was it also phoning home to the mothership. It would eventually fail with an unknown error.

The 5th try was the charm.

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Worst case Ontario hard reset. I’ve had to do that for my setup. Also if you have additional storage attached… Remove it, reboot tablo, hard reset tablo (hold for 7 seconds), reboot, attempt setup again without external storage.

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BINGO. Disconnected the hard drive I’d bought for it. Rebooted, hard Reset, uninstalled & reinstalled the (new) App and it went through the entire Setup process. Nice to (finally) have it set up but it should not have been this difficult.


Thanks for the formula, got my new Tablo up & running, things are great.

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Had a similar issue. Roku with current Tablo TV app saw my newly purchased Tablo 4th gen dual tuner on the network but would not proceed past account setup. On a whim, I started up the Tablo legacy app on my Roku and it found the new 4th gen dual tuner AND updated the firmware. After the firmware update, the legacy app reported an error or that it wasn’t the right app for the 4th generation. I closed it, opened up the current Tablo TV app and all is working now.

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One thing you might try is setting up the Tablo up with a hard wired ethernet connection to your router first, and get the firmware update. If that works, you can then try to connect wirelessly. Tablos work better if hard-wired if that is possible for you. Buffering will be reduced if not eliminated.



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It appears that ethernet is the way to go. Wi-Fi connection ends with an unknown error message no matter how many times I reboot everything. Tried at least 10 different times. Problem is I need a longer ethernet cable. I think I’m going to go that route. I’ve already updated firmware via Ethernet. Had no problem with fire stick Wi-Fi setup!

The lovely “unknown error” during setup. Gotta love it. I’ve seen it on a android 13 tablet when it went to collect the SSID’s. I assumed it was because I run my tablet with geo-location off. Eventually had to use an old cell phone that only had 2.4 Ghz WiFi. It worked fine I just forgot that at the time the gen 4 didn’t have the ability to edit WiFi and switch SSID’s over to 5 Ghz. Still looking for the edit SSID feature - along with manual recording. Maybe I’ll just wait before I turn the gen 4 back on and pray for some real feature fixes.


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