That’s the limitation of using AppleTv on the 4th gen. I have posted about it quite a bit over the last year.
If watching a recording while it is recording is important, for goodness sakes don’t use an AppleTv with a 4th gen Tablo. Use a Roku, GoogleTv, or FireTv (or use a legacy Tablo with any device).
I have not experienced any of those issues on Apple TV and I’ve had the software since beta. Not sure what the issue is. Not sure it would make a difference, but which version Apple TV are you using?
Agree that Tablo for Apple TV is a mess. In the “surfing” mode on the Live grid, it is slooooooooooooow!!! It still looks like a very rough beta to me. I also have a Roku stick, and, compared to Apple TV, it is really snappy and, in general, feels much more well done.