4th Gen - Can't watch a second channel when recording

I have a 4th Gen. When I am recording one channel, it tells me that no tuner is available to watch something on another channel. I have verified that there is not another recording at the same time. Any ideas on how to resolve this?

Welcome to the TabloTV Community. This sounds like it should be a Support request.


Might be worth opening a support ticket. I would suggest restarting the Tablo first, though. See if that helps.

You didn’t say, do you have a 2-Tuner or a 4-Tuner version? Also, I don’t suppose that someone else was watching something on another TV, were they?

I was thinking the same… sounds like a 2 tuner with something else is using the other tuner.

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I had a similar situation. I found that I was recording during the previous hour with a 5-minutes extended stop time. I needed to do this because my Tablo stops before the actual end of the program.