4/4 to Android App failed

My Android app has stopped communicating with my Gen 4/4 tuner. Communicating with Roku Ultra is fine and working correctly.

Router signal is strong and IP/SID is correct. I keep getting the startup menu and it locks up when saying I’ll be passed to next screen when connecting is completed. I’ve so far:
Restarted Router/Gateway
Restarted Phone & App
Restarted Tablo (It goes through fast blink, slow
blink, slow/white/solid)

I have to admit that these repeated startup issues have become a real pain.

Could you give a few more details on this… or maybe include an image? I’m having a hard time picturing what’s going on.

Going back to my old notes, I went into the Android app and cleared the cache and user data. I then restarted the app and signed in as a returning user.

All is right with the world once again, but as I and many others have stated before … Generation 4 is no ready for Prime Time!

Okay… It was not clear that you were using an android mobile device.

With version 1.1.5 just out, maybe something got caught up if you had just upgraded?

Glad you’re back to the screen you wanted, and I appreciate you posting your results so that others can be helped by your experience.

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