Tablo 4th Gen on a Windows 11 PC?

I just purchased my Tablo last night and I’ve been searching the forum, and from what I can see there does not seem to be a current way to watch the Tablo on a Windows PC? Is this correct? Or have I missed something?

You can configure Blue Stacks on the PC.

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2 unofficial different ways currently:

  1. Run the Android app through an emulator like Windows Subsystem for Android or the above mentioned BlueStacks
  2. There’s a “hidden” URL IF you have an external drive attached (doesn’t work for internal recordings). Look in Settings for your Tablo’s IP address then go to it followed by “:18080/pvr/” (so something like “”) There’s no metadata so you will have to hunt for a show using the timestamps (it’s UTC time and going off when the show ended, you can use the snap.jpg in each folder to verify it’s the same as what is showing in your Tablo app) and then inside each episode folder, click pl and then copy the link to the playlist.m3u8 file and paste that into any media player like VLC
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