Table legacy not found on local network

My internet provider just installed a new WiFi router and now I can not locate my Legacy Tablo on the network. I tried to use my Roku to check for any firmware updates but it cannot connect to the Tablo.

Hi @robert.t.webb - You’ll likely need to give your Tablo your new network’s Wi-Fi credentials. The instructions for that are here:

I cannot connect to the Tablo. Any thoughts on how to do this. It is currently using an ethernet connection to my network.

Ah. If it’s using Ethernet, make sure the Ethernet cord is fully seated then try rebooting the router then your Tablo, then your devices.

went through the steps you recommended but still cannot connect to the Tablo

Can you try swapping the Ethernet cable or the port on the router?

If that doesn’t do the trick, touch base with support: