4th Generation Tablo TV for Canada?

Hi All,

I have the legacy Tablo, which I’m wondering when the app update will be which will allow me to switch to the new app? As a Canadian, will I be able to switch to the new app with the legacy device?

I’d love to use the 4th generation device however being a Canadian, it’s not available here. I don’t understand why, can’t Tablo switch out the 60 fast channels since they aren’t licensed here or simply take licensed channels for Canada and plug them in to Canadian devices.

Tablo, can you please forward this to your developers…don’t forget about your Canadian customers! Are you not based in Ontario, Canada!?


We’re working on it! ETA is later this year.

And Canadians will still be able to use the 4th generation apps, but they won’t be able to add/watch/record the streaming channels as we don’t have licensing rights for them in Canada.


Why not?

Licensing for the majority of our FAST channels is simply not available in Canada. And for those that do offer Canadian licensing, it doesn’t make financial sense given the much smaller size of the user base.


So does this mean that if I upgrade to the 4.0 app with my legacy device, I won’t have to pay for the advanced features that I have to pay with the legacy app?