Will You Subscribe to Commercial Skip?

After hesitating and pondering 'went ahead and subscribed. $20 well spent especially considering the money I’ve saved using Tablo devices with lifetime guide service since the beginning.

And as promised CS now works on IOS and recently a god send to catch up on the Oscars. Not perfect execution but it’s less than $2/month so we’re happy customers.

:scream:oh no, you’ve crossed over!

Actually when we all bought the Tablo we were sold on the fact that commercials could be skipped. Even the ad on Cord Cutters currently just says it will skip commercials. NO mention of having to pay extra. I think they would make allot of customers happy if they Grandfathered current owners into the commercial skipping without charge. When I bought mine, in November 19, there was not a charge and was a big part of why I choose Tablo over other services.

ctually when we all bought the Tablo we were sold on the fact that commercials could be skipped. Even the ad on Cord Cutters currently just says it will skip commercials. NO mention of having to pay extra. I think they would make allot of customers happy if they Grandfathered current owners into the commercial skipping without charge. When I bought mine, in November 19, there was not a charge and was a big part of why I choose Tablo over other services.

Tablo should Grandfather in the customers that bought a Tablo with the promise of skipping commercials. Bait and switch. Not unlike buying a new car and two months later you get a notice that you will have to pay to continue using the motor.

I think there are a subset of you guys that bought when the box had the commercial skip reference. A good number of us bought our Tablo(s) well before commercial skip was announced so don’t have the same view on the situation.

I for one don’t need them to grandfather me into commercial skip, I would rather they have a subscription model that allows them to cover the cost of the additional resources needed for commercial skip.

Having said that, I wouldn’t be against if they decided for some of you guys that bought when it was on the box (which should be a very easy to identify period of time so it doesn’t get abused) to provide it to you.

My wife and I look at it this way

Saved $100 a month since cutting cable and using Tablo since 2017
That’s a lot of savings…$20 a yr gladly…just need s a little more tweaking for some.
Others like me, it works great

Lifetime subscription member should be offered a lifetime comm. skip “premium” one time “upgrade” cost… I might go for it then - but like others said, the reliability of a CS scrub was not super high…
Like $40CDN for lifetime addon of Comm Skip >>- who else would bite onto that?

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Lol like many people give the yearly price is currently $20 USD or $30 CAD.


This is actually one of the home-town irritations: $20USD = $26.49CAD at the moment, not $30CAD. I know, very small dollars, but irksome. That’s a beer per year! :beer:

Maybe there’s a Tablo tariff? Of course, that would actually work the other way :slight_smile:

Reverse tariff? Something Trump would come up with

You’re overpaying for beer, or have an awesome mug I want to have.

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Lol!! Well, it’s Canada. Sins are generously taxed. Here’s a typical (and pretty tasty) offering from our government run alcohol shop: https://www.lcbo.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/en/lcbo/american-ipa-16022066098/flying-monkeys-juicy-ass-508572 … This would leave me 10 cents change with the left over from the irksome currency conversion :slight_smile:

On the Apple TV remote you can just say skip ahead 2 minutes it works really well.


Yup, use that anytime commercial skip fails for whatever reason. Most breaks seem to be 3-4 minutes. If you overshoot, just say “go back 30 seconds” or whatever.

Hate to up the ante but I’ve already stated here that I would pay $100 USD. Allowing “lifetime” subscribers the exclusive privilege of committing to 5 years’ worth of CS R&D up front in exchange for “lifetime” CS should be appealing to all sides. Nuvyyo should at least consider offering this as a trial for a limited time to gauge interest, please their premium customers and generate some cash.

Let’s stop making it sound like lifetime subscribers are “premium”. They pay less than annual and monthly subscribers over the potential lifetime of a Tablo, and I would think that a large majority of those that subscribe do have a lifetime one. It’s not really “premium” if almost everyone does it.

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Poor choice of words which I officially withdraw :+1:

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I did not sign up for the Premium Service because it took 2 hours or more before skip is available after program ended.
I also have a tivo and skip is available in less than 5 minutes after program ends. Only problem tivo does not get as many channels clearly.
i would gladly sign up if skip was available in a reasonable time.