What about replacing (saturated) drives?

The article you posted repeatedly states new tablo! Your edit is in response to transferring to new tablo.

The poster you replied to even recognized this! They did read your entire mis-information -

concluding -

Your repeated insistence migrating your recordings to a new tablo is synonymous with migrating from one drive to another drive are erroneous!

@TabloSupport and @TabloTV have posted several times there’s no official or supported way to transfer your recordings to another drive. There are user post with details and a backup script with response from others with success.

You’re lightly suggesting a user Factory Rest their tablo


A factory reset should not be attempted as a troubleshooting step and should only be done as a last resort by someone who knows what they’re doing.

with no warning what they are actually doing or what might go wrong! …particularly if you’re giving instructions for something they don’t want.

If you are comfortable wiping out your tablo may depend on your background and skills… may not be a fit for everyone.

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